While we will be communicating with All Boys Program students, families and staff throughout this process, this project page is intended to provide information for families. Information for staff will be on the CBE intranet.
At the CBE, periodic program evaluations are conducted for programs to ensure we are meeting intended student learning outcomes and effectively using all resources. In the 2022-23 school year, the CBE conducted a program evaluation of the All Boys Program. Many of you may have participated in an online survey that provided useful insights that were considered in the program evaluation.
The All Boys Program was first identified on the CBE’s Three-Year System Student Accommodation Plan (SSAP) in the 2018-19 school year. In January 2022, families received a letter indicating the All Boys Program had been identified in the SSAP because of low enrolment and school utilization rates. Since then, enrolment has declined further.
After careful consideration of the All Boys Program Evaluation and SSAP indicators, the CBE has decided to move forward with a recommendation to the Board of Trustees to commence the public input process on the proposed closure of the All Boys Program.
We understand this news will be hard for families to hear and we commit to connecting with you throughout the process as we move forward with this recommendation. Between now and May 2024, we will answer your questions, share program options available to your child, and learn from you what is important to consider for your child as we develop the recommendation report. You can review the complete project plan (link in sidebar), which outlines planned activities such as school council meetings, online discussion boards, one-on-one conversations, and the timelines for each of the activities.
The primary rationale for the decision to put forward the recommendation is the program evaluation’s (link in sidebar) conclusion that when considering the achievement of the alternative program’s stated goals and outcomes, alongside declining enrolment, it is our firm belief that students’ learning needs can be met equally well in other program settings. While students, staff and parents note the importance of the program for the male students it serves, decreasing enrolment alongside increasing complexities has resulted in a shifting focus to ensure the social-emotional wellbeing of students is maintained. This shift is not outside the scope of any community school in our system. Additionally, low student enrolment in the program provides fewer options for class/grade configuration and extra-curricular opportunities available to All Boys students. These opportunities can enrich the student experience in significant and meaningful ways.
If the Board of Trustees approves commencement of the public input process, they will provide time for public input before a final decision is made. This process is separate and apart from the work of developing the recommendation. The decision about whether or not to close the All Boys Program will be made by the Board of Trustees in alignment with GC-3E(2): Closure of Schools Procedure. It is expected the decision would be made by December 2024. Should the Board of Trustees approve closure of the program, the program would close in June 2025 and current All Boys students would attend other schools starting in the 2025-26 school year.
We know you will have questions and comments. The following opportunities are being provided for you to share your thoughts with us:
Feb. 27 Information Session - an opportunity to learn more and have your questions answered. A copy of the presentation can be found in Supporting Documents on the right.
Public Board - current and prospective All Boys families can share questions and comments with us until March 22, 2024; CBE subject matter experts will be responding to any questions and comments will be shared in the recommendation report that will be presented to the Board of Trustees in Fall 2024.
One-on-one discussions with families this spring - school and system leaders will work together to connect with families to understand needs that should be taken into consideration should the Board of Trustees approve closure of the program.